Auto Skribbl | Skribbl.io Custom Words Tutorial | Automating Skribbl.io | Python
Manish Devgan
Views: 21139
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Auto-Skribbl is a platform that allows people to play custom words game on Skribbl.io with complete anonymity from other’s words. It allows you to enjoy the game of Skribbl.io with custom words mode without worrying about collecting all the words and then ruining the game for yourselves by taking a look at them.
The UI is very-very basic but gets the job done. If you want to contribute please head to the GitHub repository and create a new issue. If you have suggestions then please reach out on GitHub, WordPress, or even down in the comments. I’d be happy to answer and improve on them.
The UI is very-very basic but gets the job done. If you want to contribute please head to the GitHub repository and create a new issue. If you have suggestions then please reach out on GitHub, WordPress, or even down in the comments. I’d be happy to answer and improve on them.
Author: Manish Devgan
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