"CRABBING!" - Skribblio with The Crew! - nunchuckgames.com

“CRABBING!” – Skribblio with The Crew!

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  1. Some nice colers in this video

  2. When Side quotes Jake Paul I lose my faith in humanity a lil bit 😂

  3. Sides laugh still makes me happy.

  4. Surprised he was able to spell yogurt

  5. Lmao I kinda wish I could get a pslecbj on a magic flying carpet

  6. Side drew a female sun about to eat some YOGERT in a guys boner

  7. The tall grass 😂

  8. I'm drunk gonna make ramen noodles after a bowl.

  9. Speedy putting another "Yogert" spelling, Bold move Cotton let's see if it pays off for him

  10. I was so confident the last one was "fresh" lmao

  11. I love you guys thanks for everything you've helped me through

  12. Hmmm… I thought it was spelt like yogert… strange

  13. So that’s what having crabs is like

  14. Have you thought about a custom word list of all the original 151 Pokémon

  15. Happy to see more of shadow lately

  16. The Eiffel Tower part HAHAHAHA

  17. what happens in side's mind is incredible 😀

  18. I love this style of art, i wish more people had this talent.

  19. Shadow spoilt Aladdin

  20. Will you do a zombie estate 2 stream with veiwers

  21. sports fucking LOL what are you a boomer?

  22. Watching anime and all the sports makes you a god

  23. ET shits on the grass, G says "someone shits in the tall grass dude" and speedy guesses 'brush'. Whos mans is this!? lmao never change boyos.

  24. "I would have droon them…". 😂

  25. Speedy is such a fucking dork

  26. 1:49 -If someone took me on a magic carpet ride i'd blow'em -Sidearms (ROFL)

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