NURSE TAILS! | Sonic Tails Shadow & Sonica Play Skribbl.io
Tails And Sonic Pals
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Sonic , Tails , Shadow , and Sonica (Female Sonic) Play Skribbl.io .
How will Shadow cope with 2 Sonic’s being around him??
👉Check out Shadow’s Skribbl.io video! to see the first game we played!
How will Shadow cope with 2 Sonic’s being around him??
👉Check out Shadow’s Skribbl.io video! to see the first game we played!
👉Team Sonic Play Skribbl.io
Play the game! :
Voice of Sonic : GottaGoFast!
Voice of Shadow : Emerald Masters
Voice of Sonica : BulmaBunny
———— Art Credits ————-
Sonica reaction art :
Sonic and Shadow reaction art :
+ Tails uwu face
Tails Reaction Art :
Nurse Tails :
—— Social Links ————
🕊️ Twitter:
🎮 Twitch :
—- Music Used —-
Kawaii! – Bad Snacks
Kevin MacLeod ~ Sneaky Snitch
Kevin MacLeod ~ Scheming Weasel
Tails Theme & Sonic’s Theme : Sonic Adventure 2
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#Tails #Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog