but the drawing is GOOD..? 😳 -… but the drawing is GOOD..? 😳

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I tried guessing drawings on… Let’s see how this turns out.
#shorts #skribblio #streamer #funny #memes #jankylankytv


  1. Also, when you guess like at the amount of letters before

  2. It is pronounced scribble-eye-oh

  3. aahhh yes the paraplegic artist

  4. when it started i thought it was tooth

  5. I thought it was “Clans” iykyk

  6. my american ass thought it was a rifle until the H showed up lmfao

  7. Theway he didnt get it🤐

  8. This game isn't as fun as it seems I tried this and the amount if inn@propriate stuff I saw..-

  9. Why the photo channel song

  10. That song brings back primal memories

  11. the wii music brings memorys (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

  12. "Ohoh now he's disabled"

  13. I would draw a nice nick with a d NLG

  14. I legit thought this was "French" I'm not even joking

  15. “Now he’s disabled “ I’m dead

  16. Disabled painter could be a great Reddit username ngl

  17. You gust seed my school

  18. And this is how the great story of a Austrian man started

  19. Every time janky says skribbelee-oh I die a little bit inside

  20. Oh no the table it's broken

  21. I guessed French lmao

  22. How do I report for false title?

  23. It’s prenounced scribble eye oh

  24. I kinda of want that game

  25. This guy likes pubic hair

  26. Tooth is drawing and thing he drew is a brush

  27. can you give me your hat

  28. Funny how he says "SCrIBliO"

  29. My dumb ass thought french

  30. JankyLanky do but let the chat guess

  31. Wii photo channel puzzle music?

  32. Phew, he didnt write it out

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